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Friday, August 14, 2009

Wolfenstein: PS3 Review

Wolfenstein: PS3 Review

After gathering much opinion from a number of people who have played the "old" Wolfenstein and the "new Wolfenstein we have come to the following conclusions.

The graphics are below average. They resemble fallout 3 or oblivion, although the game isnt free roam there are buildings with multiple levels. Other people are saying the game seems to be too "rushed out".

In a nut shell if your a fan of the original wolfenstein 3d then you’ll love this one. If not chances are you're not going to like it.

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend who was a fan of the original Wolfenstein's, but I myself never played them.

    As for the review, it seems as though you haven't given it much thought. All you've commented on is the graphics, yet all you've done is say they're bad, but haven't really explained 'why' they're bad.

    You also haven't commented on the gameplay, which is where the experience really comes from.

    Just my two cents anyway...

